Treatment Program
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Residential Treatment is a highly-structured thirty-day residential treatment experience designed to equip clients with the tools they need to make sense of the negative effects of substance use, including emotional impacts. Therapeutic approaches include psycho-educational programming, experiential learning, meditation, grounding techniques, and spiritual development.
Admission to Residential Treatment typically comes via participation in the Engagement program, but may also come via direct agency-to-agency referral.

Individualized care is established by client-established goals so that participation may become more progressively client-driven. Discharge planning begins with admission, and continues with appropriate goal-review and goal-modification along the way. The client journey may continue with Extended Residential Treatment, Aftercare, an external referral to another service provider, or with return to the wider community.
Extended Residential Treatment is designed in the acknowledgement that many of our clients also experience various forms of mental illness, including the negative effects of unresolved trauma. Many of the same structures of Residential Treatment are held in place, while the programming lens focuses more on client complexity and the need for developing techniques and strategies for seeking safety and self-soothing to support initial dialogue around life-trauma.
Admission to Extended Residential Treatment requires the client to have completed Residential Treatment at St. Michael’s Homes or an equivalent program elsewhere. Based upon the needs and progress of the client, Extended Residential Treatment may last thirty to sixty days.